Small Group FAQs
What is a Saddleback Small Group?
It is a group of 3 or more people who meet together regularly and desire to learn and live the 5 biblical purposes of fellowship, discipleship, ministry, evangelism and worship.
What happens in a small group?
Community happens. In a small group you will catch up on life together, read and study God’s word, eat delicious snacks, pray for each other and create fun memories together.
When and where do small groups meet?
Small Groups happen anytime and anywhere you decided works best for you!
How Long Are Groups Together?
That depends on you, some groups are together for a short period of time while others have been together for over 30 years.
Do small groups take breaks?
That is up to you and your group!
Are children welcome to join small group meetings?
That’s up to your small group! We have seen small groups pull money together to hire a babysitter for an evening or rotate parents to watch the kids in another room depending on the kid’s ages. We think your kids can really benefit from watching their parents invest in a healthy community of people.