God Is Still at Work in 2020
Now that we are at the end of the year, we can clearly see that God opened doors we couldn’t have seen or imagined! If there is something we have learned in 2020, it’s that God’s plans are always better than our plans! Even when things appear to be bad, God is using them for good. Please consider giving a year-end Christmas offering out of gratitude for what God has done this year and in faith for how he is going to show up in the future. Your gift will go toward continuing all of the community efforts highlighted below.
Thousands of changed lives
Food distribution, coupled with financial training, counseling, career coaching, and other initiatives, provides care for struggling communities.
Over 24,000 people committed their lives to Jesus!
7,421,172 lbs of food
575 Grocery Dist. Events
46,398 Care Calls Made
5,965,326 meals
26,921 Volunteers
1,405 Baptisms
How you’ve impacted our community
Saddleback Partners With Local Church to Launch New Food Pantry
The Church Never Closed
On March 13, 2020, Saddleback Church announced that all weekend services would be moving online until further notice.
But while our buildings have been closed, the church has remained wide open so that we could walk through the doors God had opened for us. Watch the Year in Review video to dive deeper into what God did through you in 2020!
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