Training Report from 8 Ministries
09/21/2016 .As part of our Daring Faith campaign, we want to train 25% of our members to be global leaders in the church and ministry, in business and the community, and in the arts and media. This past month, our church family committed to meeting this goal by participating in new training programs hosted by some of our key ministries.
Check out some of the exciting ways our members are getting equipped to impact the world!
Under the direction of our Spiritual Maturity Team, over 100 of our members are currently being trained in Teaching to Change Lives (TCL). This is Saddleback’s spiritual maturity pathway for developing effective communicators, and equipping them to lead through our teaching ministry. Those who participate in the program are trained to teach CLASS 101-401 and Foundations throughout our Southern California campuses.
Both courses–Foundations and TCL–are instrumental in developing the spiritual maturity of our members. On September 8, nearly 100 people showed up for Foundations, a course that guides people through 11 core truths for life, to know God better, and to strengthen their spiritual foundation.
On September 11, Lake Forest hosted our first TCL meeting, a free 6-week course focused on communication skills as a key to leadership. If you missed out on this session, email for future training opportunities.
On September 17, our High School Ministry hosted our annual Student Ministries Small Group Leader Training. Held at the Refinery, the half-day event brought in over 250 leaders for in-depth training. This month we also started our SSM Life Groups, with almost 400 more students participating than last year between JHM, HSM, and CM.
On August 30 and 31, leaders were invited to our annual Kids Small Groups Leader Training. Held at the Lake Forest Children’s Building, the two events prepared 200 core leaders for the Kids Small Groups (KSG) discipleship journey. This month, we kicked off our Kids Small Groups, with over 1,000 registered in Lake Forest and over 1,500 registered in all of our campuses.
“They caught the big vision as shepherd leaders emphasizing care and community over these discipleship groups,” says Liza Gant, Saddleback Kids Minister. “This is our annual training before KSG kicks off each year, so the leaders are trained, prepared, prayerful and ready for the KSG discipleship season.”
For more information, visit
On September 15, the Saddleback Worship Team hosted Team Night to train worship-and-production volunteers and to create a place of unity among all members of the team. More than 300 vocalists, instrumentalists, lighting technicians, production assistants, music directors, and choir members attended the evening gathering.
All Saddleback campuses and venues were represented, as well as 70 students from Student Ministries. Worship Pastor, John Cassetto led the meeting by casting a vision for the future of Saddleback Worship, and followed with a message from Jeremiah 17:8.
Smaller breakout sessions allowed for focused training with worship leaders, music directors, instrumentalists, and the production crew. Team members spoke about the values of Saddleback Worship in a focused, relevant way.
According to Kayla Harker, Worship Team Copywriter, “Listening to these leaders left me encouraged and excited to move forward together. We are a part of something truly special, and it is such a joy to connect with the people who make this team function.”
Please keep the Worship Team in your prayers as they minister each week through their gifts and talents. Keep an eye out for their new kids album coming out soon! For more information, visit
Last month, the Saddleback Manila campus hosted 70 people at HIV 101: A Look into the Disease. The training helped equip their newly formed HIV Ministry to serve people living with HIV in their community, an area where new HIV infection rates are on the rise.
Closing out the summer, almost 80 people attended the Tools for Parenting training by the Orphan Care Initiative. The workshop was designed to equip volunteers and parents with the skills to care for children from hard places. Among the volunteers were those who serve in the areas of Baja and Rwanda PEACE trips, Anti-Human Trafficking, Mental Health, as well as those caring for adoptive and foster children.
For more information, visit
On September 15, The Daniel Plan started an 8-week Leadership Training Program. Over 150 turned up for the course designed to equip leaders with the knowledge, tools, and ongoing education to minister to others in their physical, mental, and spiritual health journey. The program also empowers ministry leaders to start the Daniel Plan at their home church, all for the Glory of God. For more information visit
Intentional training is a huge element of the Saddleback Internship Program. Over the summer, our campus trained 47 interns, our second-largest group ever. Each year, Saddleback trains close to 90 interns, not just to be leaders in the church, but to be leaders in the workplace, arts, media, locally, and globally.
According to Lisa Bee Morse of the Saddleback Internships Team, “Interns were able to take advantage of tons of training this summer through staff meetings, PDC, SALT, monthly intern workshops, touring Pastor Rick’s library (with Rick!), and our monthly leadership development trainings.” The summer monthly intern trainings explored the story of leadership in the Bible, examples of leadership Jesus gave us, and how to grow and learn as leaders through pursuing knowledge with our minds. It was a time of recognizing that because we are followers of Christ, we are born to lead, through learning, serving, caring, teaching, and doing. The training event also celebrated all that God is doing in the 30 ministries and six campuses that our interns represent. For more information visit,
On September 10, Saddleback San Clemente hosted the SK New Leader Orientation for those wanting to serve in Children’s Ministry. Among the attendees were people from our new San Diego campus!
“We were fortunate to have two San Diego leaders attend the SK orientation,” says April Calmes, Children’s Ministry Director at San Clemente. “Both were very excited for their new mission to connect kids to God and others. I am very happy to report that one leader even took the next step in the process by coming back the following day to get fingerprinted for SK approval.”
The class introduced them to the many opportunities available within our Children’s Ministry, and various ways to use their God-given gifts in the lives of children. During the training, members learned the foundations and purpose of SK, and gained insight on everything from safety and security to the mission of bringing kids closer to Christ. For approved members, the next steps of SK training include application forms, background checks, and fingerprinting.
“We believe that leadership is a calling from God,” says April. “We don’t ask them to do it, but rather train them in opportunities to serve. It’s them answering a deeper calling.”
The opportunity to get involved is great, with roughly 20% of every Saddleback campus made up of children. Other SK training events included SK Small Group launch on September 14 and the “In It To Win It Dinner” on September 16. Hosted twice per year, the appreciation dinner allows SK leaders to recommit to their calling and the values to serve in Children’s Ministry.
If you’re interested in serving in SK or at any of our other upcoming children’s events including Blocktober, visit
On September 12, Saddleback Women hosted the second Leadership Development Training. Held in Lake Forest’s Tent 3 from 9:30-11:30 AM, nearly 150 Women’s Communities Leaders attended the second 2016 Leadership Development Program.
For more information, visit