9 Ministry Updates
12/21/2016 .The “T” initiative of our Daring Faith campaign is to train 25% of our members to be global leaders in the church and ministry, in business and the community, and in the arts and media. This December, our members took huge strides to help meet this goal by participating in new training programs hosted by nine of our ministries. Check out some of the exciting training events that took place this month!
To train Small Group Hosts at our international campuses, Saddleback Buenos Aires held Leadership Training 1 on Saturday, December 17 with 15 people in attendance.
On December 9th, nearly 30 volunteers were trained during the Saddleback Singles Leadership Team Night. The gathering informed, instructed, and inspired leaders, and helped build community among the Saddleback Singles Leadership Team.
Last month, 225 people attended Saddleback’s three-hour Counselor Advanced Training (CAT) Class held six times annually. In attendance were all our church counselor volunteers and church counselor supervisors. The training focused on biblical counseling application, personal growth, and integration of God’s Word in counseling.
On December 11 at our Lake Forest campus, new volunteers were introduced to the PEACE Plan. They gained insight on the four-step PEACE process, and were given tools to share PEACE with other churches wanting to launch PEACE in their local communities.
Nearly every month between June and November, our Storytelling Team hosted workshops to train volunteers in the areas of storytelling and writing. Held at our Lake Forest campus, Storytelling 101 is designed to equip writers with the necessary skills to conduct an interview for a story. Storytelling 201 helps writers learn how to shape a story. The content builds off the 101 workshop, allowing writers to use their notes from their interviews to develop compelling stories. Centered on different themes, Writer’s Night is also available, and is designed to help writers improve their skills. These intimate gatherings, averaging 25 people in attendance, are an excellent way to help contribute to our Storytelling ministry, one of the strongest outreach tools at Saddleback.
On December 4, JHM leaders were honored during our annual appreciation party. Held from 5-9 PM at Peppinos Foothill Ranch, a total of 100 volunteers were in attendance.
Once a quarter, Saddleback Kids gathers key leaders called “Coaches” who carry a significant load of responsibility for their respective age group and area of ministry. On December 1st, 50 Lake Forest Coaches attended the quarterly meeting to be equipping as core leaders for their work in ministry. The scope of these enrichments entails a specific and practical training topic related to their area of ministry such as how to be a shepherd leader. The staff, along with the coach team, cherish these gatherings as a time to fellowship, share vision, and get equipped for what’s next.
Twice per year, Kids Small Group Leaders participate in training to be equipped and encouraged. On December 13 and 14 at our Lake Forest campus, 185 KSG Leaders attended the training centered on Psalms 78:72: “He cared for them with a true heart and led them with skillful hands.” During the meeting, they talked about how to lead with a true heart and how take steps of maturity in faith. They also discussed leading with skillful hands, and how to overcome challenges they face in their groups. Practical steps were offered on ways to improve their skills in the areas of classroom management, parent engagement, and scripture memorization.
During the month of December, 32 of our members joined the on-demand training to help small groups balance the five purposes. Other topics discussed were how to turn online groups into home groups, and how to turn home groups into sub-groups.
As these ministries equip and train our members to be global leaders, they also help move us one step closer to meeting our Daring Faith "T" initiative. Between all 17 of our campuses, we now have over 800 ministry opportunities were you can serve and train to be a leader! To learn more about future training opportunities, email Maturity@Saddleback.com.