20 Training Events
03/24/2017 .March was one of our biggest months yet when it came to working toward our Daring Faith “T” goal. Our members participated in over 20 new training programs. That means we’re well on our way to training 25% of our members to be global leaders in the church and ministry, in business and the community, and in the arts and media. Check out some of the exciting ways our members got equipped this past month!
Saddleback Singles Leadership Team Day
On March 19, our singles communities came together to discuss vision, mission, target, strategy, structure, and systems specific to Saddleback Singles. Over 25 volunteers were trained at the three-hour event.
So Cal Lobby Gathering
In an effort to strengthen our small group network, 110 ministry leaders attended the three-day So Cal Lobby Gathering at our Rancho Capistrano campus. From March 6-8 small group ministries from across the globe joined in one location with the goal of getting inspired and connected to other small group ministry leaders.
It was a time of in-depth conversation about real-life issues in small group ministry. The Small Group Network is a gathering of small group practitioners from around the world that exchange ministry strategies and best practices for peer-to-peer environments.
Online Small Groups Leadership Training
This month, hosts of online small groups were given tools in leadership training and proper methods to lead a healthy group. Both on-demand training and recorded training were available by video on March 2nd, with additional Facebook Live conversations about how to honor God online. Over 280 people viewed the online training that gave perspective on the small group community and living out the purpose of worship.
Praxis Leadership Training
As part of our Master Teacher Training Program (MTTP), the Praxis gathering on March 5th helped Saddleback’s newly trained teachers continue to develop their teaching skills and character through devotional time together. Held in the Refinery Classroom, the two-hour event drew 30 volunteers.
PEACE Practical
On March 19, nearly 150 members attended PEACE Practical, our quarterly global PEACE gathering. Hosted in Tent 3 at our Lake Forest campus, members were equipped with practical tools to implement The PEACE Plan globally.
PEACE Trip Leader Training
This year, Saddleback is sending our members out on mission, which means intense training is required for PEACE trip leaders. That’s why on March 11, nearly 30 trip leaders, financial assistants, and administrative assistants were trained on methods for leading a PEACE team from pre-field to post-field.
In collaboration was our Anaheim PEACE Trip Mexico City Training that kicked off this month. Scheduled over the course of five sessions between late March and June, leaders will learn how to assist the local Purpose Driven Churches in Mexico City and in Puebla. By the final session, the team will be ready to help strengthen the PD Training Center which coaches pastors from all over Latin America.
Following suit was the Baja Trip Orientation, which trained seven members on March 25th. Together they were equipped with PD and Orphan Care training, as well as logistical information to serve on a one-day trip to churches in Baja.
Storytelling Team Training
At Anaheim on March 2nd, the Storytelling team hosted their 201 workshop designed to help people understand how to put together all the pieces of a story. On March 9th, they offered Storytelling 101, an introduction to storytelling that focuses on the interview process. The two workshops brought in nearly 20 volunteers.
Communications Workshops
In partnership are Communications Workshops hosted by Saddleback MarCom. So far they have taught more than 75 people in the course called, Inboxed:How to Write Emails that Get Opened, Read, and Acted on. This workshop helps church leaders and volunteers harness the power of storytelling for more effective and persuasive communication.
Junior High Ministry (JHM) Leader Training
On March 12, JHM leaders came together to celebrate what God has done in the junior high ministry and to look ahead at upcoming events. The meeting featured breakout sessions to share ideas, stories, struggles, and ways to troubleshoot as a group. Held in the Refinery, the evening event was attended by 50 JHM leaders.
High School Ministry (HSM) Life Group Leader Training
Closing out last month, over 100 volunteers were trained on our theology and issues such as homosexuality, gender dysphoria, and other topics.
The Daniel Plan Leader Training
As one of Saddleback’s signature ministries, The Daniel Plan hosted leader training to equip Table Hosts with skills to build up participants and facilitate discussion. The evening gathering on March 16 was attended by 12 people at Saddleback’s Terrace Café.
HIV/AIDS & Orphan Care Training
March was a groundbreaking month for our Saddleback initiatives that hosted several training events including the parenting seminar, “Connect with your Kids” available in person or live-streamed. Held on March 18 in our Interconnect Room, 25 parents learned proven techniques to build connection within their families. There was also a time of Q&A with relational tools for bringing hope and healing to broken families.
On March 1st, a total of 15 parents turned up for training on “Exploring Adoption or Foster Care.” The study trained parents in the different avenues for bringing a child into the home, and equipping them with resources, relational support, and next steps in the process.
To provide tools, skills, and resources to help those living with HIV/AIDS, 20 members attended the HIV Skills Gathering on March 19. Held at our Lake Forest campus, the goal of the event was to teach others how to take a leading role in ending AIDS through prevention, care, treatment, and support. It was also an opportunity to build community and increase our capacity to minister through relevant training on HIV/AIDS and the church.
Also taking place on March 19 were the HIV Monthly Training Gathering, and the HIV and Orphan Care Workshops available at PEACE Practical. The goal was to provide our members with resources through our HIV/AIDS, and Orphan strategy to make a lasting difference in the crisis both locally and globally. During the HIV Training Gathering, Dr. Susan Elliott taught members about HIV basics and prevention, as well as the theology of care. Over 20 members attended each event.
To foster a strong family foundation, our campuses at Anaheim, Rancho Capistrano, and Lake Forest trained 60 members at our Connection Training & Support Group. These weekly gatherings equip families with relational tools to bring connection and healing within the family. Other similar events included the Family Coach Training at our Lake Forest Campus every week during the month of March.
On March 17, Saddleback members who attended the February PEACE Team to Rwanda, shared insight on orphan care and illness within local communities. A debrief was held via conference call to process what was experienced on the February trip, and to develop a team to possibly lead future trips. A total of six members were trained during the two-hour online session.
Also part of this Rwanda Pre-Trip Training were an additional 16 members who attended the in-person meeting on March 19. Held in the Children’s Building, members trained lay social workers, raised awareness about adoption, shared God’s heart for the sick, and provided parenting and basic healthcare training.
To invest in leaders of HIV and Orphan Care ministries, One-on-One Leadership Mentoring and One-on-One Connection Coaching is available throughout the month. A total of 15 people were trained via phone and conference call, and received mentoring to form and lead their own local trainings.
As these ministries equip and train our members to be global leaders, they also help move us one step closer to meeting our Daring Faith "T" initiative. Between all 18 of our campuses, we now have over 800 ministry opportunities where you can serve and train to be a leader! To learn more about future training opportunities, email Maturity@Saddleback.com.