Small Group Host Gathering
05/20/2017 .Throughout Scripture, there are 20 references to the power of anointing—from the disciples anointing the sick, to Mary anointing Jesus' feet as an act of worship. This demonstration of service can signify healing, commissioning, comfort, and public affirmation of calling.
At Saddleback, we have people in all of these categories, which is why Pastor Rick invited small group hosts and leaders to a special training on biblical anointing. Held on May 17 at our Lake Forest Worship Center, over 600 people attended the gathering on how to pray for those who are being anointed.
These steps in ministry gave small group hosts and leaders the tools to anoint people. The message was part of our Psalm 23 series, Living in the Goodness of God. It allowed our leaders put into practice, “You anoint my head with oil” after our May 20 and 21 Saddleback services.
As Pastor Rick explained, “One of the greatest joys in life is being used by God and seeing someone’s life healed, turned around, comforted, and miracles happen through anointing with oil. I’ve been teaching on Psalm 23, and in the Bible oil is used to show God’s affirmation, blessing, comfort, commissioning, and healing. We are to follow the commands of Christ to anoint people with oil. It’s up to God who he heals, when he heals, and where he heals. Our part is to simply obey.”
Serving on the frontline of ministry, small group hosts stepped up in obedience by attending the May 17 training. Following the gathering, they committed to anointing members at our Service of Anointing on May 20 and 21, where over 3,200 people were prayed over and anointed at the Lake Forest campus alone.
What made that weekend so special was seeing what God was doing in the lives of people who received prayer, and in the lives of leaders who prayed for those in need. It was a defining moment in individual lives, in families, and ultimately in our communities as the anointing was a reflecton of Jesus in a real and practical way!
According to Matt Graybill, Small Groups Team Pastor, “The training was a very memorable night and a new experience for many small group leaders. It equipped them, not only for this weekend, but also for the future when someone in their group needs prayer and anointing. Many people said they loved worshipping with other core leaders, and being reminded that they are empowered to minister to others.”
An minister they did! The training equipped them to pray for people at the Anointing Services, which has already helped change lives at Saddleback Church. Over the past few weeks, stories have been pouring in of answered prayers and God-size miracles.
As another step toward our Daring Faith “T” goal, our leadership team grew through this training, being reminded that church happens in the context of community and that community often happens in small groups.
To view the anointing training video, click HERE or visit