Launches Daring Faith 2.0
09/30/2017 .After surviving three typhoons last month, and growing as a church family through the storm, Saddleback Hong Kong shows no signs of slowing down, especially in their commitment to Daring Faith. They recently launched Daring Faith 2.0, their vision to actively help achieve all five FAITH goals as a campus.
To help “Fill God’s House” they are working toward an average attendance of 850 members, with a long-term plan to reach 2,000 members by 2020. In honor of their 4-year anniversary on October 8, they will be adding a third service on Sunday afternoons at 3:00 PM, dedicated specifically to those who do not know Jesus.
In their mission to meet the Daring Faith “A” goal, they are assisting the homeless and starting a new Prison Ministry. To “Interconnect through Technology,” the Hong Kong campus is currently working with Saddleback’s Tech Team to alpha test a new church management system.
Pastor Stephen volunteered Saddleback Hong Kong to be the first campus to try out this new product. Ultimately the system will manage process (workflow), design (user experience), platform (mobile) and technical architecture (cloud infrastructure) of the operations of the church. Once implemented across all campuses, it will ease the process of engaging members, building ministries, facilitating volunteers, and more.
To help “Train Members” Saddleback Hong Kong recently started a Men’s Ministry with quarterly activities to build and train men on the principles of Romans 12. They are also hosting Leaders Plus, a monthly gathering of 400 people who are getting equipped to be global leaders in ministry.
On October 21, Saddleback Hong Kong will be hosting the Business Summit: The Purpose of Work, in partnership with the top business schools in Hong Kong. The full-day summit is designed for executives and professionals who seek direction, advancement, fulfillment, and transformation in their careers.
Based on the theme “The Purpose of Work,” the conference will discuss why people are working so hopelessly, and how they can bring substance and hope to their lives. Top leaders are invited to hear a dozen international leaders including Pastor Rick who will share by video.
“Already 25% of our own members are leaders,” explains Pastor Stephen. “We are also training up Purpose Driven leaders around Hong Kong and coordinating PD development across Southeast Asia.”
In helping achieve the “H” goal, PEACE Plan Pastor Mike Constantz traveled to Hong Kong this month to teach PEACE Leader Training. Having just finished Class 401, over 30 Saddleback Hong Kong members attended the three-day event to prepare for future PEACE trips to China, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
“Members are being mobilized according to their passions,” says Pastor Mike. “They are already starting in their own communities and are now getting ready to serve churches in Cambodia.”
That’s not all Saddleback Hong Kong is doing to serve churches around the world. From November 9-11, Saddleback Hong Kong will be hosting the Purpose Driven Church Conference, slated to draw 300 pastors from China, Hong Kong, and Asia. The goal is to connect pastors who can mentor other leaders, ultimately bringing growth to churches across the region.
To learn more about working toward the five Daring Faith goals, visit