Having Trouble Watching the Service Online?
Let us help diagnose the problem.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to some of Saddleback’s most commonly asked questions and links to additional information on associated topics. If you don’t see your question listed below, use the search tool at the top of this page to direct you to the information you need.
Why Is My Video Buffered, Choppy, Or Frozen?
- Check your network connection to be sure you are connected to the internet.
- Multiple users on your home network watching video at the same time may interfere with the quality of video streaming.
- Test your bandwidth speed - https://fast.com. You should be above 5 Mbps for a good video live streaming experience.
- If you're watching on a computer, select a lower bitrate from the Video Quality drop-down menu located below the bottom-right corner of the video screen.
- Make sure your browser is up to date. (Learn more here.)
Still having issues on our website? Try viewing the Worship Service on our YouTube channel.
Why is the video not loading?
- Be sure you are watching the service after the scheduled start time.
- Refresh the web page. Once it has completely loaded, click the "Watch Now" button to begin playing the service.
- Clear your internet browser’s cache (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari).
- Check to ensure that your system’s firewall has enabled port 1935 for tcp traffic.
- Make sure your browser is up to date. (Learn more here.)
Still having issues on our website? Try viewing the Worship Service on our YouTube channel.
Why is Internet Explorer not working?
- Internet Explorer is going away. Download Microsoft Edge.
Why is Android not working?
- For the best experience on Android, we recommend visiting our Online Community using Chrome on Android 4.0 and up or download our Android app.
Why don’t I hear any sound?
- Adjust the volume on your computer and speakers.
- Adjust the volume control located in the lower right corner of the video player at saddleback.com/online.
- Restart your internet browser by closing and reopening it.
- Still having audio issues on our website? Try viewing the Worship Service on our YouTube channel
Why won’t the video play on my iPhone?
- In your phone's settings, verify that your wi-fi is turned on and you are connected to the Internet.
- Check that your phone is receiving a strong service signal (more than one bar).
- Close other apps that may be connecting to the internet and using up your bandwidth.
- Try using the Saddleback iOS app.
- Still having issues on our website? Try viewing the Worship Service on our YouTube channel
Why is the chat feature not working?
Still Having Issues?
If your problem was not addressed in our FAQ, or if you are still having difficulty watching the service online, please fill out this form and our team will follow up.