Redemption Defined
04/02/2015 .There is a saying at Saddleback’s Food Pantry, “Every day’s a good day. Just ask Chad.” But it wasn’t always like that. At one time, drugs, alcohol, and bad decisions were the hallmarks of his life.
Chad Lawrence grew up in Los Angeles with two strong role models: his mother and his sister. Chad’s mother, who suffered from diabetes and had two heart attacks, struggled financially to provide for his sister and him. Not having a father in his life, Chad filled the void with a friend who happened to be in a gang. Joining this friend’s gang came with financial benefits, which allowed Chad to help his mother. In his eyes, he was being a good son. Everything seemed to be working out just fine. But Chad was about to discover the consequences of his decisions.
Arrests for assault, burglary, and robbery put Chad in and out of jail and prison. He spent 15 of his 36 years on earth behind bars. In 2012, Chad received five additional felony charges. As a three strikes candidate, the fear of spending life in prison forced him to take a hard look at his life. He was addicted to heroin and speed, smoked two packs of cigarettes a day, and weighed 300 lbs. It was obvious he was going nowhere good. What wasn’t obvious was how to change his destination. So Chad said the prayer many others in his situation have, “God, if you help me get out of this, I’ll dedicate my life to you.” Most people never follow through on this promise, but when four of his five charges were miraculously dropped and he only had to serve 18 months, Chad followed through.
Beating drug and tobacco addiction is no easy task. If you ask Chad how he overcame what many would see as an insurmountable challenge, his response is, “God took it away from me.” Literally overnight, God removed any urge Chad ever had to smoke or use drugs. During his 18-month period of incarceration, Chad lost 120 lbs. He also dug deep into the Bible in an effort to understand what God wanted from him. There are things in our lives we call curses, but one day, we realize they were actually blessings. In prison, Chad found his blessing — that God had a purpose and plan for his life.
Chad's uncle Duane had been inviting him to Saddleback Church for years, and he finally decided to take his uncle up on the offer. He found the support and community he needed through Celebrate Recovery and the Thursday morning men's group. Duane and Chad's other uncle, Thomas, both served at the Food Pantry, and that's where Chad discovered his purpose.
Chad’s favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Making himself vulnerable and obedient to God, Chad experienced the kind of life-change only made possible through God’s grace. As someone whose past life was all about himself, part of Chad’s transformation included truly loving his neighbor as himself … which brings us back to the Food Pantry.
Until Chad finds full-time employment, he’ll be volunteering Monday through Friday at the Food Pantry. While many people know that Saddleback’s Food Pantry has fed more than 100,000 people, very few understand the work it takes to make that happen. Chad has played a significant part in accomplishing this mission. He unloads trucks, stocks and organizes shelves, and helps keep everything clean and efficient. As he works, Chad maintains an infectious smile. He can uplift the mood in any room just by walking in. Very few people work as hard as Chad. Even fewer enjoy it the way he does. Why the joy? Because he finds great fulfillment in helping those who can’t help themselves.
A tremendous component of Chad’s faith is not allowing his past to keep him from serving God in the present. He loves to point out how God showed his glory by using even the worst people in the Bible. God also used Chad to bring his mother back to faith. The woman who worked so hard to provide for Chad fell away from God. What better gift could a son give his mother than spiritual leadership and living the testimony of God’s grace? When Chad’s mother brags about how proud she is of her son, it’s never about how he’s a much better person or how far he has grown personally. It’s always about how he’s helped her grow closer to God. Through tears of joy she talks about the fruit Chad’s faith has produced. Just last year, Chad helped baptize his mother at Saddleback. Which of the two were happier? Let’s call it a draw.
So if you want to be touched by the joy of a man whose past has been fully redeemed, stop by Saddleback’s Food Pantry anytime during the week. Chad will show you fruit … as well as vegetables and canned goods neatly stocked on the shelves. But don’t expect to see Chad there on the weekends. He takes that time to rest — and to volunteer with the traffic and usher ministries.
No matter who you are, where you’ve gone, or what you’ve done, God wants to have a relationship with you. We're here to help you establish a relationship with Jesus or make a fresh start with him. Click here to connect with us today. Click here to learn more about Celebrate Recovery.