A Heart of Prayer
09/15/2016 .Moments of crisis can paralyze anyone with inaction. When a health crisis interrupted Bryan’s family, he felt powerless. He felt helpless. There was nothing he could physically do to help. He fell back on the only thing he could do — pray.
Last April, while getting ready for church, Bryan received an alarming text. His uncle had experienced severe chest pain and was being rushed onto the operating table for emergency surgery — with only a slim chance of recovery. His uncle had always been active and in good health. But he’d suffered a valve tear in his heart.
Bryan reassured his aunt that he would be praying as he headed to church that morning. Brian and his wife had made Saddleback Church their home just two years before. Through their son’s adoption process, they had made new friends who attended Saddleback, and they began joining them every weekend.
With the frailty of his uncle’s situation weighing on his mind, Bryan met with a volunteer in the Prayer Garden on the patio to pray. As Brian shared his uncle’s situation, he was reminded of Pastor Rick’s words from a few weeks before. He had spoken on the power of prayer and the importance of having faith to expect God will answer your prayer, and then follow it up by thanking God. Bryan prayed boldly, believing in faith that God would help, and thanked God in advance as he ended his prayer. And then, Bryan waited.
Later that day, Bryan received the call. He learned God had heard and answered his prayers. Bryan knew his uncle’s story could have taken a much different turn, and he thanked God again for responding so quickly to his prayer.
Bryan’s uncle went home from the hospital ahead of schedule and resumed his life. Not long after his surgery, he returned to the baseball field as a pitching coach. Bryan knew his life could have taken a much different turn, and he thanked God again for answering his bold prayer.
It’s been a year since Bryan’s uncle’s surgery, but he never forgets that moment on the church patio, praying for a miracle. Bryan’s prayers have never been the same. He now prays with faith, expecting God to work miracles. He does not hold back, because he knows God is capable of turning the impossible into the possible.
“I don’t want the size of my prayers to become the size of my God,” Bryan said.
Recently, a co-worker shared about some family problems they’d been having. “I can’t expect God to wave a magic wand and just fix it,” the co-worker said with a sigh.
But Bryan just smiled. He had firsthand experience of God coming to his aid when asked. I wish you knew the God I know, he thought to himself. The God who’s capable of answering any prayer — if we just ask in faith.
Click HERE if you want to learn more about how to get involved with the Prayer Team at Saddleback Church or submit your own prayer request. No matter what you’re going through, we would love to pray for you.