Our Home for Hope
01/28/2017 .My wife and I were on a search. We had been to several different churches, all different styles, traditions, and denominations but they didn’t seem to fit. We were wandering for so long that we got lost. Originally we had wanted to find a church to know more about God, but our journey took so long we found that desire waning.
Ready to give up, we gave ourselves one last chance at Saddleback Hong Kong.
Talking with Pastor Stephen encouraged us. He was clear and direct with how we could get involved, discover our purpose, and get to know God more. The feeling of being welcomed and accepted ignited the passion we nearly lost.
The more we attended, the more we realized how life-changing God’s promises can be. In the weekly message, we were taught how to live out God’s Word, rather than just develop knowledge about it.
Seeing our son, Tin Tin, excited about church also brought us great joy. He looks forward to it every weekend. One weekend he was sick and we told him we were staying home. He began to cry — he didn’t want to miss Saddleback Kids. Our entire family has found a place to fit in at Saddleback Church.
As we have seen the vision and mission of Saddleback Church increased through the 3-year Daring Faith campaign our faith was challenged further. God asked us to trust him in the area of our resources. Because of some of our past experience with church it was difficult for us to trust the church or God with our money. Giving to the church didn’t seem like a smart option.
As we saw God doing miraculous things in our church and other people’s lives through Daring Faith we knew we had to take a step of faith and trust God. We weren’t prepared to give — we hadn’t budgeted for it — but my wife and I prayed about it and decided to give back to God. It was comforting seeing the vision of Daring Faith and the plan for how everything was going to be used. God gave us an overwhelming sense of peace, confirming that we were being obedient to him and investing in things that truly matter.
Click HERE to learn more about Daring Faith.
*translated by the Saddleback Hong Kong Storytelling Team