MarCom Summit, Internship Program, SK Training and more
06/26/2017 .June marked another successful month in working toward our Daring Faith “T” goal. Our members participated in several new training programs including anointing training, internship training, and the MarCom Summit. That means we’re well on our way to training 25% of our members to be global leaders in the church and ministry, in business and the community, and in the arts and media. Check out some of the exciting ways our members got equipped this past month!
Last month, we shared how Pastor Rick invited small group hosts and leaders to a special training on biblical anointing. Over 600 people attended the gathering held on May 17 on how to learn to pray for those who are being anointed. Read the full story here.
Following Lake Forest’s anointing training, Saddleback Hong Kong hosted a similar gathering on June 11th. Over 60 Small Group Leaders gathered to watch the Anointing Training Webcast, hosted by Pastor Rick. Translated with Chinese subtitles, the video offered Small Group Leaders achance to preview the training and put practice into action during an anointing service.
From June 21–23, Saddleback’s MarCom, team hosted a church-to-church Communications Summit to discuss the challenges in the ever-changing world of church communications. Hosted at Saddleback’s Lakeside Conference Center in San Juan Capistrano, the event featured insight from our Communications Team, sharing strategies in marketing, web, social media, creative arts, and storytelling.
With a focus on biblical marketing, the three-day event was attended by 75 people coming from churches in Dallas, Colorado, Palm Springs, and as far as China. Also in attendance were 20 of our own Saddleback staff who participated in workshops and training.
“If we teach it, we have to know it,” says Administrative Assistant, Marissa Ortega. “Our own team participated in the labs and learned the inner workings of our purpose at the church.”
Throughout the summit, attendees were given the chance to dig deeper with breakout labs on subjects including branding, strategy, and development. They were also introduced to Saddleback’s Purpose Driven Church movement. Closing out the event was a devotional led by Pastor Buddy Owens and a message on how to implement what they had learned.
“People really seemed to have gotten a lot out of the summit,” says Marissa. “They were especially engaged during the Q&A.”
On May 6, Saddleback’s Community Outreach Team hosted the First Time ConnectorsTraining. Held from 12:00–2:00 PM, the gathering equipped 35volunteers on how to approach visitors attending Saddleback Church for the first time. It was a chance to discuss new ideas on making the guest experience a memorable one, so that people feel comfortable to return.
This month, 46 interns were trained across 25 different ministries at seven Saddleback campuses. Coming from 11 states and 20 different schools, college interns were able to gain tools, resources, and training to be the leaders God is shaping them to be—not just in the church, but in the workplace, arts and media, locally and globally.
In their commitment at Saddleback, interns are able to take advantage of training through staff meetings, intern workshops, the Purpose Driven Conference, and monthly leadership development training. Internship Training began on June 16th with a time to discuss questions like “How do I make God’s will my priority?” and “What happens when I embrace doing God’s will as my priority?” For more information visit,
This month, our Global Broadcast Team hosted the Interconnect Room Volunteer Training Nearly 50 volunteers learned about the Interconnect Room and how they can serve in this new experience. The ultimate goal is to have the control room fully volunteer based. To date, 20 volunteers are regularly operating the robotic cameras, graphics, and audio.
On Thursday, June 8th, 60 volunteers attended the quarterly COACH Team Gathering to bond, learn, grow, and align on all things Saddleback Kids Lake Forest. Held from 6:30-8:15 PM at The Edge, the event showcased a luau-themed night with food, games, and discussion to prepare for SK summer events and key dates. It was also an introduction to the leader training process. Pastor Steve shared a powerful message of hope, encouragement and love.
On Friday, June 9, over 40 people attended the Saddleback Singles Leadership Team Night. Taking place at the Reed home from 6:00–9:00 PM, the evening was a chance to connect over dinner and fellowship and discuss personal development, strengths, and areas of growth. It was also a special time of prayer, anointing, and commissioning of each leader. Those who attended were equipped for ministry and given tips for connecting with singles.
From May 3–June 11, Saddleback’s Orphan Care Care hosted 14 adoption and foster care seminars across 12 campuses. The evening gatherings taught 75 people about the different avenues of adoption and foster care, while equipping parents with resources, relational support, and next steps.
Falling under the same ministry were June support groups that trained 65 people on relational tools to foster connection and healing within families. Also launching this month, are support groups at our San Diego campus, making it the 4th location available to parents.
Also taking place was small group training on orphan care, as well as One-on-one Leadership Mentoring. As a demonstration of Global PEACE, 24 members attended the Rwanda Orphan Care Training. Three Saddleback PEACE Teams were trained on how to raise up lay social workers and support adoptive families with best-practices in trauma-informed parenting. On June 10, another 10 members were trained by Orphan Care on how to help mobilize church members through CLASS 301/Purpose Driven.
On June 13, nearly 20 Saddleback’s volunteers were trained on how to provide HIV testing in the community. The event was held live at Saddleback Anaheim and Lake Forest, and was live streamed to three campuses.
Throughout the month, members were trained on One-on-One Leadership Mentoring. Thepurpose is to invest in leaders of Saddleback’s HIV ministry, including counseling the launch of regional campuses and mentoring trip leaders as they form teams and lead in local trainings.
As these ministries equip and train our members to be global leaders, they also help move us one step closer to meeting our Daring Faith "T" initiative. Between all 18 of our campuses, we now have over 800 ministry opportunities where you can serve and train to be a leader! To learn more about future training opportunities, email