Motel Church
Purpose Statement
The mission of Motel Church is to reach working poor and transitional homeless individuals and families living in weekly motels with the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Motel Leaders and volunteers meet weekly to safely deliver C.A.R.E. bags, prayer and the love to our motel families.Motel Church is a rewarding family-friendly way to make a difference in our community. Every Saturday small groups, individuals, and families from Saddleback Church and other community churches safely deliver Hope to our motel families in the form of love by the Gospel of Jesus Christ! How we do so tangibly is by meeting onsite at a motel and ministering to people by sharing the hope of Jesus Christ, distributing C.A.R.E. bags full of personal items, prayer, and love!!! You'll be serving alongside a leader and others who have served many times in the past so you won't be doing anything alone!
When you sign up, we send you all the information about where you will be serving, when to be there, and what to expect. The morning you serve, an experienced on-site leader will meet you at your motel for prayer and to direct the activities. This ministry is a great way to exercise that spiritual muscle of evangelism by praying for somebody who's hurting, sharing the Gospel of Jesus, and loving individuals you might not see in your day-to-day life.
Questions? Contact Robert Glover +1 (949) 293-3809
We serve from 10 to 12 pm on Saturday and feel free to check out our Motel Church Instagram page for more details!