Financial Freedom Workshop
This interactive 7-week workshop combines scriptural teaching, practical tools, and hands-on activities designed to align your habits and attitudes to God’s plan for your financial best. It can also be done as a small group; let us know you’re coming and we’ll set aside a table for your group. Topics covered include financial goal-setting, creating a spending plan, relating over money, saving, debt management, and more.
Financial Coaching
Have you been impacted financially because of the Covid-19 crisis? Perhaps you have lost your job or have seen your investments free fall. If finances are stressing you out, Saddleback’s Financial Coaches are here to offer hope. Our Financial Coaches can help you create a personal plan and are trained to discuss multiple financial topics with you, our goal is to help you grow as managers of the resources God has given you. Other topics coaches can help with include retirement planning, student loans, preparing to make a big purchase (home, car, etc.), getting debt free, and many more.
To schedule an appointment with a financial coach, please email All appointments will be held either online or in-person at the Lake Forest Campus (to be agreed upon by participant and coach). Note: Your financial coach will work with you to schedule an appointment date/time.
Financial Peace University
When the topic of finances is brought up, many people try to run the other way. This 9-week class, taught on video by Dave Ramsey, is so entertaining and practical that people actually get excited about tackling their financial issues. Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more!
Estate Planning Ministry
Estate planning is an essential part of protecting your assets in the future. The long term impact an estate plan can have makes it one of the most important decisions we can make as a steward of what God has entrusted to us in this lifetime. Discover how to reduce taxes, save time and money for your loved ones, and have a living trust created at no cost through our estate planning ministry.
Email Saddleback Estate Planning for specifics.
ProgramsSmall Group Curriculum
Managing Our Finances God's Way
Financial Fitness
Navigating Your Finances God’s Way
Money and Marriage God’s Way
Set Your House in Order
Business God’s Way
Recommended Books
Debt Proof Living by Mary Hunt
Fields of Gold by Andy Stanley
Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey
Freedom of Simplicity by Richard Foster
God and Your Stuff by Wesley Kenneth Willmer
Managing God's Money by Randy Alcorn
Treasure Principle: Unlocking the Secrets of Joyful Giving by Randy Alcorn
Gospel Patrons by John Rinehart
True Riches: What Jesus Really Said About Money and Your Heart by John Cortines
The Genius of Generosity: Lessons from a Secret Pact Between Two Friends by Chip Ingram
Money and Marriage by Matt Bell
Money, Purpose, Joy by Matt Bell
Money Habit by Andy Wood
Investing with Integrity by Loran Graham
The Blessed Life by Robert Morris
Your Money Counts by Howard Dayton
Budget Workshop: Part 1
Get control of your finances! Topics covered in this free class include financial goal-setting, creating a spending plan, how to find out where your money is really going, debt repayment strategies, and more.
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Budget Workshop: Part 2
Get control of your finances! Topics covered in this free class include financial goal-setting, creating a spending plan, how to find out where your money is really going, debt repayment strategies, and more.
Mortgage Workshop
Learn how your mortgage can work for you. Come learn how to avoid a mortgage crisis, what to do if you are in trouble with your mortgage, how to shop for a mortgage, and more.
Download WorkbookDebt Proof Your Marriage
No matter what your financial situation looks like right now, you and your spouse can take steps toward being debt free, while also strengthening your marriage. Join guest speaker and financial expert Mary Hunt as she offers guidance on achieving financial harmony.
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