Acts of Appreciation Military Outreach

Purpose Statement
To recognize and shower military families with God's love through various "Acts of Appreciation."We are a military outreach ministry that looks for ways to extend God's love to our military and their families whether they are as close as Camp Pendleton or as far away as Afghanistan. We feel responsible to honor those who serve in the armed forces defending our freedoms. We respond with acts of appreciation that include newborn baby baskets, goody bags to troops deployed around the globe, hosting deployment and welcome home events at Camp Pendleton, sponsoring retreats, and much, much more.
Related Ministries
Local PEACE provides the opportunity to demonstrate God’s love through a variety of outreach ministries in areas such as: homelessness, human trafficking, mentoring, military/veterans, the elderly, those incarcerated, as well as many others. You can serve one time or get involved on an ongoing basis…no special training required. Email to get started.