Saddleback Relief
How Saddleback spells RELIEF
Rally our small groups
All of our relief work is done by and through our network of small groups, making it easier to rapidly mobilize a large volunteer force quickly.
"Always be ready to do whatever is good."
Titus 3:1b (NIV)
Engage local churches as relief centers
Local congregations are the most natural and effective base camps for relief for six reasons.
- They already exist in every community.
- They know their community and are trusted by it.
- They have the greatest number of volunteers.
- They have compassionate service as part of their mission.
- They have an existing network.
- They will remain in a community long after short term relief agencies have packed up and left.
"I will build my church, and the powers of hell will not conquer it."
Matthew 16:18 (NLT)
Link with public and private partners
The government can provide rescue and evacuation services. Businesses can provide expertise and capital. Churches provide manpower, distribution centers worldwide, and long-term care. It takes all 3 working together - public, private, and faith communities.
"Two are better than one, because together they can work more effectively."
Ecclesiastes 4:9 (TEV)
Include physical, emotional, & spiritual support
Human beings are more than a body, so they need far more than just medical and material support after a disaster. Churches provide the personal support that governments cannot offer.
"God puts poor people on their feet again; he rekindles burned-out lives with fresh hope, restoring dignity and respect to their lives."
1 Samuel 2:8 (Mes)
Empower survivors to help themselves
Survivors deserve to be treated with dignity, not as dependent, helpless victims. People recover faster when they help in their own recovery. Often governmenet and NGO relief is organized but also institutionalized and depersonalized. We treat people as equals.
"Show respect for all people." - 1 Peter 2:17 (NCV)
"You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand." - Galatians 6:2 (CEV)
Fund what's overlooked
Our relief offerings are used for strategic needs that typically go unnoticed.
"Two good things happen as a result of your gifts--those in need are helped, and they overflow with thanks to God."
2 Corinthians 9:12 (LB)
In the aftermath of tragedy, we can bring hope. Saddleback Relief teams bring immediate assistance to local churches struggling in the wake of overwhelming circumstances. Teams come alongside to help lift the burden of communities impacted by tragedies, natural disasters, and the global refugee crisis.
Your Saddleback Relief gift makes a big difference. Your generosity will serve local churches to bring hope and get communities back on their feet in the wake of tragedy.
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Saddleback Relief