Orange County Job Fair
Date & Time
DateFriday, February 16, 2024Time10:00 AM - 12:00 PMLocation
Street AddressSaddleback High School2802 S Flower St. Santa Ana, CA 92707Cost
Free EventOrange County Job Fair
Career Coaching
Over 70 Orange County Employers will be offering over 5,000 Orange County job openings. These openings are from entry level to highly skilled.
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February 20
You might be on LinkedIn, but are you really using LinkedIn to your advantage? You have a profile, but do you have the presence and engagement that is delivering opportunities to you on a regular basis, whether you are in the job search or working full time?
Join us ONLINE on Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 PM for our Strategic LinkedIn class (invite anyone you know searching for a job) as we learn how to generate opportunities by strategically leveraging basic components of LinkedIn to: Create a LinkedIn profile and presence that articulates your personal brand, Cultivate a network that delivers opportunities, Grow and demonstrate your subject matter expertise.
Before the meeting, please complete the Sign In form:
For downloadable Career Coaching course schedule and resources, or to signup for a 1-on-1 coaching or mock interview appointment, go to
*Monday night courses are:
Career Coaching 1st Step
Personal Branding
Resume Writing
Advanced LinkedIn – Learn how to grow a network, maintain your relevancy, and raise your personal brand
LinkedIn to Target Companies – Learn what are target companies and why you need them. Plus how to develop a strategic target companies list and cultivate opportunities Interviewing – Intentional preparation to learn how to answer questions with polish and poise
Mock Interviewing
Salary Negotiation
One-On-One Career Coaching
February 24
Career Coaching is designed to assist in the development of job search skills, tools, and personal marketing plans to reduce the transition time for those who are seeking employment. The ONLINE courses meet Monday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Invite anyone you know searching for a job.
One-On-One Career Coaching:
Monday Night's Only:
Career Coaching 1st Step – An overview of how the entire program works together
Personal Branding – Helping you to create your best resume, LinkedIn profile and perform well in your job interviews
Resume Writing
Mock Interviewing - Here we help you build short concise PAR statements that begin with the results. To be placed on a wait list for Monday night Mock Interviewing, please register here:
Advanced LinkedIn – Learn how to grow a network, maintain your relevancy, and raise your personal brand (Rotational Class)
LinkedIn to Target Companies – Learn what are target companies and why you need them. Plus how to develop a strategic target companies list and cultivate opportunities Interviewing (Rotational Class)
Salary Negotiation (Rotational Class)
* Strategic LinkedIn (Thursday, 7:00-9:00 PM) *
February 24
This online workshop focuses on steps in the interview process including preparing for the interview, building rapport with the interviewer, the various types of interviews, tools for effective interviewing and tips for a successful Interview.
Who gets the job? It may not be the smartest or best qualified candidate that gets the position, “It’s the one who interviews best!”
February 24
This online workshop focuses on understanding how to write an effective resume for target jobs and companies. This includes how to show accomplishment statements using the PAR format, the different types of resumes and cover letters.