Expression of God's love
05/17/2016 .May was a month of mercy, as small groups joined together in a tangible expression of God’s love through serving our communities. This act of compassion was a true reflection of the heart of God as over 6,000 members registered for Mercy Projects across all Saddleback campuses.
As part of the Miracle of Mercy campaign, everyone is invited to participate in Saddleback Church’s mercy-related ministries by the end of July. Both local and global, the Mercy Projects are being facilitated by six different teams: the PEACE Center, Local PEACE, Global PEACE, HIV/AIDS, Orphan Care, and the Assisted Living Ministry.
This remarkable all-church commitment is growing our Saddleback family in daring faith, as we assist the needy through our local PEACE Plan––ordinary people, empowered by God, making a difference together, wherever they are.
According to Pastor of Local PEACE, Matt Bruce, the Mercy Projects are truly a historic undertaking. “Never before,” he says, “have we united all our regional campuses and international campuses in an all-church initiative to express mercy in our communities. It’s incredible and exciting to imagine thousands of people in small groups around the world reaching out to communities to reflect who God is.”
About a hundred Mercy Projects were completed in May alone, including creating care packages, visiting veterans, and ministering to survivors of human trafficking. Many registered for the AIDS Community Walk in Irvine, the Feeding Families 2016 project, and Assisted Living Ministry Church Services. Other members committed to taking a PEACE Trip to Baja, Mexico to join our HIV and Orphan Care teams. From volunteering at Homework Clubs to praying for orphans, no act of serving is too small to make a lasting impact.
Throughout the Bible, we see examples of Jesus caring for the sick, the poor, the lost, and those cast aside. In our desire to imitate God’s mercy, we strive to do what Jesus did, coming together in tangible action steps to reflect his compassion. Mercy Projects provide an opportunity for small groups to embrace the needs of our communities and engage in ministering to others through the PEACE Plan.
Read below and discover how the act of serving brought compassion, healing, and fulfillment to the community and our church family.
Mercy Project: Experience the Impact of Human Trafficking
Impact of Mercy
“Some people were tearful, some were angry, a few expressed interest in getting involved beyond their own Mercy Project.” ––Mercy Project Leader’s comment on people who took part in Human Trafficking Outreach Mercy Project.
“I experienced the hands-on work of Christ on the streets of Santa Ana. There were groups that went on the streets, showing love in action and offering a bracelet with Human Trafficking hotline number on it, water bottles, protein bars, prayer, and other things. The stories I heard were eye opening. This is really happening in our backyard. I was impressed by the whole ministry, and the car full of people on the corner offering prayer and a level of protection.” –– Feedback from a small group member who participated in Human Trafficking Outreach Mercy Project.
“It is the most rewarding experience of our lives.” –– Kathie Perino of the Human Trafficking Outreach who offers hosting emergency aftercare for human trafficking survivors.
“Everyday, we see God’s impact on the lives of our survivors. All they need is a loving, caring, Christian home, and someone with the time to help them and guide them.” ––Ann Sarmiento of the Human Trafficking Outreach who offers hosting emergency aftercare for human trafficking survivors.
“What I observed during the ride along was somewhat shocking to me. I witnessed what was going on and how your ministry is effectively working to help those victims in action. I felt ignorant about this issue and could not believe that it happens so close me. I am currently working on getting spiritually and emotionally ready for a ministry in future. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your outreach for one night.” –– Participant of Human Trafficking Outreach Mercy Project
Mercy Project: Deliver care packages, cards, meals, and Mercy Packets
Impact of Mercy
“It made such a huge difference cause they loved me like family. They are so amazing. It put me at ease for my surgery because I felt so cared for.” –– Ministry member who received care.
“They didn’t just drop off the meal – they sat and talked with me for an hour. That’s the part that was really special." – Ministry member who received a meal.
Mercy Project: HIV & AIDS Initiative
Impact of Mercy
“A former Muslim and brand-new believer recently moved with his family to America from Iran (and is himself looking for work). He has been taking a man living with HIV to the food pantry. Just that image alone gets me, but beyond that, today after bringing the food in, he decided to stay with the man as his in–home nurse changing bandages on his foot from a recent surgery. When the pain started to make the man feel faint, the new believer held the man’s hand until the procedure was over. That’s radical mercy! Only God could do that – take a newly immigrated Muslim man, bring him to church and soften his heart to care for someone who would have been completely shunned in his country of origin.” – Ashley Eure, HIV & AIDS Initiative Manager
"Thank you so much. This is so helpful.” –– Someone who received the 40 Days of Prayer for HIV.
"Thanks! Sitting together right now fellowshipping! God is so good.” – Comment from member who delivered snacks for HIV small group.
Stats from first two weeks of HIV & AIDS Initiative Mercy Projects:
- 73 HIV responses on the bulletin flap
- 48 active responses
- Contact with 2 new people living with HIV locally – we’re getting them connected to support group
- 3 meals provided to people living with HIV
- 2 rides given to people living with HIV
- 9 times a dog was walked for someone post-surgery
- 6 commitments to 40 days of prayer for HIV
- 3 people interested in HIV care baskets
- 5 people interested in AIDS Walk
- 1 snack supplied for HIV small group, 1 being scheduled
- 1 person interested in HIV Rwanda PEACE trip
- 1 person interested in HIV Baja PEACE trip
- 7 weekend Mercy station volunteers
- 3 Lake Forest project leaders and assistance
- 2 LA campus leaders
- 6 campuses mobilized: LF, SC, Rancho, LA, Anaheim, online
Mercy Project: Homeless Outreach
Impact of Mercy
“We reached out to the homeless camped out along the Santa Ana river bed in Anaheim. Our small group rode bikes along the bike path and stopped to minister to the homeless encampment. Three of the riders were new from Anaheim and had heard about it through the Mercy Project website.” –– From Jed Louvier’s small group
Mercy Project: Campus Clean Up
Impact of Mercy
“This small group helped clean up the Rancho Capistrano campus, getting it ready for the Global PDC Gathering. They even met one of the pastors from Kenya who is out here for the conference!” –– From Agnes Sugino’s small group
Mercy Project: Assisting Seniors
Impact of Mercy
“We reached out to the elderly in a local senior living facility by showing the Miracle of Mercy DVD. One of the residents has now started a small group of her own so the group can go through the study book in detail.” –– From Jed Louvier’s small group
Mercy Project: Global PEACE
Impact of Mercy
“In early May alone, Global PEACE had 146 members participate in our Mercy Projects! Of those, 92 were from Lake Forest, 53 were from the regional campuses, and 37 of those were from the online campus.” –– Amanda Schaefer, 401 Missions Team Associate
Mercy Project: Saddleback Kids Take Action
Impact of Mercy
Saddleback Kids Ministry gave Miracle of Mercy T-shirts to all SK children, and challenged them to wear them every Tuesday at school for duration of the campaign. See the impact!
"After my son Peter received his Miracle of Mercy T-shirt at the 4pm service on Saturday, he was super excited about wearing it to school; so when Tuesday came of course he wore it. The next day, I went to pick him up from school and a mom from his class approached me. She and I had only really met for the first time a week before so I was surprised that she would seek me out to chat but since our sons are friends/classmates it made sense. She asked if my family attend Saddleback church. I told her that, yes, we are members and she said it was the Mercy T-shirt that gave it away. She asked me if my husband and I were in a small group. I told her how we weren't in a Miracle of Mercy group and I asked her the same question, she said they weren't either. Then she boldly asked if we would like to make a small group of their family and ours. We exchanged information and agreed to discuss it with our husbands (they were all in, too, no surprise there). We emailed to arrange the details and we have been meeting ever since! Who knew that one T-shirt could launch a connection between two families. What an awesome outcome that I bet you didn't expect... But God knew!” –– Sent by a SK parent to Shawn Hyde, Weekend Children’s Pastor.
“There’s been a children’s foster care center that’s been bringing a large group of kids each weekend to the Sunday service. We learned of one little boy who was brought back to the center because his family wasn’t able to handle him anymore. I love that these kids have been coming to church during the Mercy campaign so we can help turn a negative experience for the children, into a positive one.” –– Maddy Clemens, Children’s Weekend Coordinator ages 3–Kindergarten.
As we serve the community with an attitude of mercy, we see our actions working toward our Daring Faith goal of assisting 250,000 people in need.Mercy Projects have heightened our awareness of the incredible opportunities to be God’s hands and feet, and of all the ways Saddleback is reaching out to build his Kingdom.
According to Local PEACE Coordinator, Michelle Thune, many people are expressing interest in serving beyond their Mercy Projects. “They now have a pathway to stay involved as we pursue our Daring Faith goal of ministering to over 250,000 people in need.”
The Mercy Projects are just beginning! Half of the Mercy Projects are still to come as our members continue to live a lifestyle of mercy beyond the campaign. To learn more about getting involved in a Mercy Project, visit