The Way to Find What I'm Looking For
- Know what I'M LOOKING FOR
I am searching for: _______________________________
ACTION PLAN: Block out some time to be in a place where you are comfortable and can find quiet peace. Spend this time in prayerful reflection with yourself and God, asking the question "What am I really searching for?" Allow God to direct your thoughts and truly explore each answer that you feel stir up in your heart. Don't forget to begin this time of prayer by taking deep breaths and inviting God to journey with you through your thoughts.
ACTION PLAN: Try digging into the Gospel of Matthew, wholeheartedly investigating the truth of who Jesus is for yourself. Read a chapter each day, answering these three questions in a journal at the end of each day: 1) What does this say about God? 2) What does this say about me? 3) How should I live differently based on what I've read?
- Keep stepping toward WHAT IS REVEALED.
ACTION PLAN: If you've sensed the Lord reveal a next step to you recently, here's your encouragement to take that step. It can be forgiving someone who's hurt you, telling God daily that you trust Him with your finances, volunteering your time to start serving in a ministry, beginning a tough conversation with someone in your life, etc. God has specifically led you to a next step that only you know, and it may be difficult or seem uncomfortable, but know that He is with you in it and will give you the strength you need.
ACTION PLAN: Build a rhythm of worship into your time with Jesus this week. Spend the last few minutes of your quiet time singing a worship song of your choice, reminding your heart of God's goodness as you continue to slowly uncover God's will for your life.