Alpha at Saddleback HK 2025 - Guest Sign-up
Date & Time
DateThursday, March 20, 2025ThursdaysTime7:30 PM - 9:30 PMFrequencyWeeklyLocation
Street AddressThe Refinery - GF Hall 香港九龍長沙灣通州街500號星匯居商場 The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau Street Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon 000000Cost
Free EventAlpha at Saddleback HK 2025 - Guest Sign-up
This is a GUEST registration for Alpha at Saddleback HK 2025.
Have you ever wondered what is the real meaning of life? Has the economics changes caused you to ask some big questions? If so, you have come to the right place!
Alpha is a series that explores the basics of the Christian faith. Each session includes dinner, a talk that looks at a different question around faith, and an opportunity for conversation. No question is too inappropriate, too big, or too small! Alpha is the perfect place to explore these questions, all done in a friendly, fun, and relaxed environment.
Alpha at Saddleback HK starts on Thursday 6 Feb, runs for 10 weeks, till Thursday 10 April, at The Refinery, The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau Street Cheung Sha Wan, and includes a full day on Saturday 22 March.
You may click this link to know more about Alpha, What is Alpha (ENG)
We'd love to welcome you to Alpha!
啟發 (Alpha) 是一系列探索基督教信仰的聚會。每一節,我們都會一起分享晚餐及探討一個關於信仰的問題,並從而引發討論。我們會在友好、有趣和輕鬆的環境中進行討論,亦歡迎你問任何問題!
Alpha at Saddleback HK將於2月6日至4月10日,連續10個星期四晚上於長沙灣星匯居商場地下,馬鞍峰香港教會匯社進行。另外,於3月22日(星期六)將會有一個整天的活動。
我們歡迎你加入啟發! 一同探索生命
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