Tithe | Hong Kong
Thank you for giving to Saddleback ChurchHong Kong
By contributing to what Saddleback is doing in our communities and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
We give not because we have to, but because God first gave to us, and we do so with a joyful heart and generous spirit. Doing so ends up benefitting us far more than it costs us.
Three convenient ways to give to Saddleback Church Hong Kong
Send cash or check gifts to:
Saddleback Church Hong Kong
L5, 500 Tung Chau Street
Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Hong Kong Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not a Hong Kong entity for receipt.
十一奉獻 | 香港
十一奉獻是敬拜和信心的行動,表明神在我們生命中居首位. 神賜恩給我們,以致祂能藉着我們施與別人. 謹記神的鴻恩改變了世界. (參考約翰福音3:16)
通州街 500 號
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Hong Kong Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not a Hong Kong entity for receipt.
Tithe | Santa Rosa
Thank you for giving to Saddleback ChurchSanta Rosa
By contributing to what Saddleback is doing in our communities and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
We give not because we have to, but because God first gave to us, and we do so with a joyful heart and generous spirit. Doing so ends up benefitting us far more than it costs us.
Convenient ways to give to Saddleback Church Santa Rosa
To request an Official Receipt, email us at admin@saddleback.com.ph.
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Santa Rosa Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity and not a Philippines entity for receipt.
Tithe | Buenos Aires
Thank you for giving to Saddleback ChurchBuenos Aires
By contributing to what Saddleback is doing in our communities and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
We give not because we have to, but because God first gave to us, and we do so with a joyful heart and generous spirit. Doing so ends up benefitting us far more than it costs us.
Three convenient ways to give to Saddleback Church Buenos Aires
Send cash or check gifts to:
Saddleback Church Buenos Aires
Mario Bravo 559
C.P.: 1175 Buenos Aires, Argentina
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Buenos Aires Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not an Argentine entity for receipt.
Diezmo | Buenos Aires
Muchas graciaspor tu ofrenda aSaddleback ChurchBuenos Aires
La palabra “diezmo” significa literalmente diez porciento (10%). Diezmar es un acto de adoración en fe que demuestra que Dios es el primero en nuestras vidas. Dios te da, para luego darle a otros a través de ti. Recuerda, la generosidad cambió al mundo (Basado en Juan 3:16)
Three convenient ways to give to Saddleback Church Buenos Aires
Enviar sobre con efectivo o cheque a:
Saddleback Church Buenos Aires
Mario Bravo 559
C.P.: 1175 Buenos Aires, Argentina
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Buenos Aires Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not an Argentine entity for receipt.
Tithe | Berlin
Thank you for giving to Saddleback ChurchBerlin
By contributing to what Saddleback is doing in our communities and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
We give not because we have to, but because God first gave to us, and we do so with a joyful heart and generous spirit. Doing so ends up benefitting us far more than it costs us.
Convenient ways to give to Saddleback Church Berlin
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Berlin Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not a German entity for receipt.
Tithe | Berlin
Thank you for giving to Saddleback ChurchBerlin
By contributing to what Saddleback is doing in our communities and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
We give not because we have to, but because God first gave to us, and we do so with a joyful heart and generous spirit. Doing so ends up benefitting us far more than it costs us.
Convenient ways to give to Saddleback Church Berlin
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Berlin Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not a German entity for receipt.
Tithe | Vancouver
Thank you for giving to Saddleback ChurchVancouver
By contributing to what Saddleback is doing in our communities and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
We give not because we have to, but because God first gave to us, and we do so with a joyful heart and generous spirit. Doing so ends up benefitting us far more than it costs us.
Three convenient ways to give to Saddleback Church Vancouver
For more information, please email accounting@saddlebackca.com
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Vancouver Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not a Canadian entity for receipt.
十一奉獻 | 温哥華
十一奉獻是敬拜和信心的行動,表明神在我們生命中居首位. 神賜恩給我們,以致祂能藉着我們施與別人. 謹記神的鴻恩改變了世界. (參考約翰福音3:16)
如需了解更多,請電郵至 accounting@saddlebackca.com
If you're living in the US and would like to give* to our
Vancouver Campus, please click here. *Please be aware that your gift will be recorded as being given to a US entity
and not a Canadian entity for receipt.
By contributing to what Saddleback is doing in our communities and around the world, we are using what God has given us to share the good news of Jesus by serving others.
Tithing Is More Than Giving
One of the ways we express our gratitude to God is by giving our tithes and offerings.
Beyond the Tithe
"Beyond the tithe" is anything you give beyond 10%. In Malachi 3:10, God says "Go ahead. I dare you. See if you can out-give me." Beyond the tithe is a chance for you to be extravagantly generous. You can give additional gifts to the tithe fund, or to a specific project shown below. So go ahead, test and experience God's generosity!

Dream Now
Dream Now is a multi-year vision to reach the next generation. We are investing in the future to see God’s Kingdom grow locally and globally.

Relief Efforts
Our church moves toward needs in times of crisis and extends a caring hand to support partners providing relief around the world

Give toward local and global mission. Our church is active reaching the lost for Jesus, church planting, and serving our communities everywhere we are.

Students & Kids Camps / Scholarships
Saddleback takes 2,000 youth to Summer Camp, and sends others on local/global mission trips. These gifts ensure no one misses out.

Celebrate Recovery
Help celebrate God´s healing power and transform people’s lives through the biblical "8 Recovery Principles." Give to expand this global ministry.

International Campuses
Support our Berlin, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Santa Rosa, and Vancouver international campuses as they grow their presence in these regions.

Finishing the Task (FTT)
Led by Rick Warren, we partner with FTT to bring a Bible, believers, and church to unengaged people groups at the far ends of the world.

Hope for Mental Health
Provide the transforming love, support, and hope of our church to those living with mental illness, and to their families.
Ways to Give

In Person
You can give your tithes and offerings in a church service or by dropping it off at a church office.

By Mail
1 Saddleback Parkway
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Attn: Giving Operations
If you are interested in a more convenient way to give appreciated assets, i.e. stock, consider giving through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF). For more information about DAF, or for help with Estate planning and setting up your trust, contact giving@saddleback.com
If you are interested in a more convenient way to give appreciated assets, i.e. stock, consider giving through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF). For more information about DAF, or for help with Estate planning and setting up your trust, contact giving@saddleback.com
Manage My Giving Online
Signing up for online giving enables you to view your giving history, print giving statements, create and edit scheduled giving series (such as a recurring tithe), and manage your method of giving. It's easy to sign up, it saves the church processing time and money, and your information is kept confidential and secure.
Sign InNeed Help?
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I required to make an account before giving?
You're not! You can give as a guest, but to track your giving history and to have the ability to manage your giving effectively, we recommend that you log in or set up your account.
How do I create an account?
- Select "Sign in" at the top right of the web page, then select "Create account." If you receive a message that your email is already in the system, then all you need to do is create your password (See "How do I create/reset my password").
- If you wish to give through a business please contact Giving@Saddleback.com for assistance.
How do I create/reset my password?
- Select "Sign in" at the top right of the web page and then select "forgot password."
- If you have signed in and wish to change your password, click on your initials at the top right of the web page and select "change password."
What are my giving options?
You can give via:
- Check or cash during a weekend service, or mail to 1 Saddleback Pkwy, Lake Forest, CA 92630, Attn: Giving Operations.
- The website or app with a credit/debit card, bank account or cryptocurrency. We accept all major credit cards. Several cryptocurrencies are accepted. From the Give page, scroll down to Ways to Give and select "Donate with Crypto".
- IRA, Donor-advised fund, charitable fund by emailing giving@saddleback.com with any questions.
- Naming Saddleback as a beneficiary in an Estate or Trust. Email giving@saddleback.com for assistance.
- Non-cash donations such as securities or assets. Email giving@saddleback.com for assistance.
Can I give above my tithe to another ministry?
Yes. We have many giving opportunities you can help support by selecting "Beyond the Tithe." You can give one-time or recurring gifts.
Do you accept non-cash gifts such as cryptocurrency, stock or assets, and IRA or DAF donations?
- We accept several cryptocurrencies. On the Give page, scroll down to Ways to Give and select "Donate with Crypto."
- If you are interested in donating assets, securities, or naming Saddleback as a beneficiary in a trust or estate, please contact giving@saddleback.com.
- If you wish to make a donation through your IRA or DAF, please email giving@saddleback.com or call 949-609-8138 for assistance.
Why does the "checkout" section look different?
- We're using Tithe.ly as our new service provider to give you a better giving experience.
- No action is needed on your part, but you'll notice some changes in how your giving is processed: "Tithe.ly" will be mentioned on our giving page, in giving confirmation emails, and on your bank/credit card statements.
- Any existing recurring payments will continue without interruption, and your giving history will remain intact. If you find discrepancies, please notify giving@saddleback.com.
How do I manage my recurring gift?
- Select "Manage My Giving" button, then select the "Recurring"' tab (top center). There you will see all recurring gifts to edit or delete.
- Select "Delete" to close the gift and stop all future donations.
- Select "Edit" to change the frequency, amount, skip dates, or update your payment method. If you need to enter a new payment method, select "Credit Card" or "Bank Account" from the dropdown box and enter all the information. Once your changes are saved, the new payment method is attached to the recurring gift.
- If you are married, the recurring gift may be in your spouse's record.
How do I manage my payment methods?
To update an existing payment method:
- To update a payment method on a recurring gift, see, "How do I manage my recurring gift?" above.
- For any other payment method changes, select "Manage My Giving" button, then select the "Payments" tab at the top. You may add a new payment method by selecting "Add New Payment Method" and completing the information in each box for Card or US Bank Account. Click on the "Add New Payment Method" again and your new card or bank info will be saved.
- Click on the "trash" icon next to any payment method you wish to remove.
How do I obtain my giving statement?
Select the "Manage My Giving" button above and log in. Under Payment History, select the year for the statement you wish to receive, and click the PDF Statement button to download.
How can I review my giving history?
- Select "Manage My Giving" and log in. Click on "History." If you do not see your history, please contact giving@saddleback.com or 949-609-8138 for assistance. This area also allows you to give a gift and edit/delete your Saved Payment Methods.
- The Recurring tab will allow you to view or edit your recurring gifts.
- If you are married and would like to see your combined giving, please email giving@saddleback.com and request that we associate your records as "married" for a joint statement. Please give us your marriage date so we know when the joint statement should begin.