"The people quickly rebuilt the first half of the wall around Jerusalem until it reached half its height, because they worked hard with all their heart. But then (our enemies) heard how Jerusalem's walls were being repaired and all the gaps were being closed. They became very angry and plotted to attack Jerusalem together and create some confusion to stop the progress. So we prayed to God for protection and posted 24 hour guards to protect the workers. But then people began to complain. They said, 'We're tired and worn out! Besides that there's so much rubble and trash to be removed. We now realize that we cannot finish this wall.' Also our enemies are now threatening us. They're saying, 'Before you know it or even see us, we'll be among you to kill you and end your work!' Then, those who lived closest to our enemies kept reporting – over ten times – that our enemies kept saying, 'We're going to attack you from every direction!'" Neh. 4:6-12
"Then the people of Judah began to complain that the workerswere becoming tired." Neh. 4:10a (NLT)
"Never forget how the Amalekites . . . attacked you when you wereexhausted and weary, and they struck down those who began tolag behind . . ." Deut. 25:17-18 (NLT)
"Besides that, there was so much rubble and trash to be removed." Neh. 4:10b
"We now realize that we cannot finish this wall!" Neh. 4:10c (NAB)
"We'll NEVER be able to finish it!" Neh. 4:10c
"Also our enemies are now threatening us. They're saying, 'Beforeyou know it or even see us, we'll be among you to kill you and endyour work!'" Neh. 4:11
"Then, those who lived closest to our enemies kept reporting – overten times – that our enemies kept saying, 'We're going to attack youfrom every direction!'" Neh. 4:12
"You made my body Lord – now give me sense to heed your laws." Psalm 119:73 (LB)
"It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until lateat night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest tohis loved ones." Psalm 127:2 (NLT)
Action Plan: Do you track your sleep? If you have a smart phone there are apps that allow you to track your sleep. Keep track of the amount of sleep you get for 30 days. Is it surprising to you? Are there things that you need to unclutter in your life to allow you to rest? Share with your small group.
"So I stationed armed guards at the most vulnerablepoints of thewall and at the most exposed places I assigned people by familiesto protect each other with their swords, spears, and bows." Neh. 4:13 (MES)
"Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting togetherwith other believers, but we must not do that! Instead, we shouldkeep on encouraging each other . . ." Heb. 10:25 (CEV)
Action Plan: Make a list of what you consider your weak areas. Now, speak with a trusted friend and/or your small group. Ask them if your list is complete or if you have other weak areas that you are not aware of.
"Aware of their anxiety, I stood up and said to the nobles, officials,and the rest of the people, 'Do not be afraid of the enemy!Remember THE LORD who is great and awe-inspiring!'" Neh. 4:14a (NJB)
"I'm completely discouraged, so revive me with your Word." Psalm 119:25 (NLT)
Action Plan: Are you committed to a daily quiet time? If not, it is important that you start committing a few minutes each day reading God's word. If you don't know how to start, download this free "Engage: 21 Day Guide" to help you build the habit.
(I also told them) ". . . you must FIGHT for your brothers, and yoursons, and your daughters, and your wives and homes!" Neh. 4:14b
"When I am ready to give up, HE knows what I should do." Psalm 142:3a (TEV)
"God gives power to those who are tired and worn out, and heoffers strength to the weak. . . . Those who wait on the LORD willfind new strength." Is. 40:29, 31a (NLT)
Action Plan: Make a list of things in your life that are discouraging you, bringing you down. Next to each one 1) find a Bible verse that encourages you against this discouragement; 2) write down your fighting words to stop focusing on the discouragements; 3) discuss them with a trusted friend and/or small group.