Scriptures Used: Ecclesiastes 7:8; Exodus 13:3-5, 13:8-10 (NLT); Romans 8:1-2 (NLT);
Exodus 15:2-3; 15:11-13; 15:17-18 (NLT)
Key Points:
God gets to identify my identity and his story
- Slavery is not a person or a period. It is a place.
- My past does not define my identity.
- My past does not decide my future.
- My view of the past is determining my approach to the future.
- What gets repeated gets remembered.
- You get to choose what get remembered.
The most important questions I can ask looking back:
- Where was God at work?
- What is God wanting me to see?
- God is rescuing me for my redemption.
- Reject the lies about me and my past.
ACTION PLAN: Memorize Romans 8:1-2 (NLT). Write these verses on 3x5 cards and tape them to places where you'll see them multiple times a day. Keep reviewing them until you have the verses memorized. Use these and other similar scriptures to fight lies that the enemy uses against you.
- God is fighting me for my freedom.
- Remain in the process of transformation.
- God is carrying me for His calling.
- Remember God's faithfulness through the trials.
ACTION PLAN: Start a list to record your prayers to remind yourself of God's faithfulness. Use three columns – the first for the prayer request, the second for the date God answered your prayer and the third to identify a category of need. As an example, a request may be for a new place to live. When God answers that prayer, record the date. In the third column, you could write one word – housing. Keep this list, and when a similar situation comes up for someone, quickly review your list to see other prayers related to the same issue. Then, in prayer, remind God of his previous answers to your specific requests.
- God is placing me for His purposes.
- Renew my commitments.
- There are some battles that God has been fighting on your behalf.
- God is a defender.