Scriptures Used
Psalm 120:7 (NLT); Proverbs 8:17b (NLT); Isaiah 57:10 (NLT); Galatians 6:9 (NLT); Luke 15:1-32; Ezekiel 34:16a (NLT); Jeremiah 29:13–14a (NIV)
ACTION PLAN: Memorize Jeremiah 29:13-14a. Ask yourself what searching for God with all of your heart means on a practical level to you. Take one step by spending more time with God this week than you did last week, whether it's an added quiet time, starting your mornings with songs of worship, or something else.
ACTION PLAN: Consider serving with and/or praying for Saddleback's Adoption, Kinship & Foster Care ministry which provides tools, training, and emotional and spiritual support for parents who are currently or in the process of becoming foster/adoptive parents. Click hereto learn more.
ACTION PLAN: Take some time this week to write your story of how you became a child of God. Think about it in terms of what it was like before you met him in a way that you could use to explain it to someone who is lost.