Scriptures Used: John 14:27 (NLT); Luke 2:10-14 (NIV); John 3:16 (NIV); Romans 5:8 (NIV);
Romans 5:1-2 (NIV); Isaiah 9:6
Key Points:
- The gift is personal, not generic.
- Believe that because of Jesus I am already accepted.
- The gift is given, not earned.
- Receive that through Jesus, it's already taken care of.
ACTION PLAN: Imagine yourself opening a gift from the Lord. List a few of the gifts he has given you because you believe in Jesus. For example: his adoption of you into his family, the new purpose for your life, or your promised home with him forever. Write a "thank you note" (prayer) to him describing the changes that were made in you because of accepting these gifts.
- The gift is now, not later.
- Trust that with God in charge my future is better.
ACTION PLAN: What dreams and directions for your future have not yet been brought before God? Something amazing happens when you let God speak into your dreams and directions. As you're looking into the New Year, whenever an idea, a dream, or a desired direction pops into your mind, take a moment and ask, "God, what do you have to say about this?" Then listen!